I was on the east coast of Florida for a wonderful photography exhibit for my photographer friend Bob Dalles, who has absolutely stunning infrared photos! I couldn't resist going to the beach, my favorite place. I live not far from the east coast, but I've never been to this particular beach before - it's beautiful. This was a grab shot of sorts before the rain started. I snapped three photos to make a three image vertical panorama, merged the images using Photomerge, and cropped square in Photoshop.
Moments later it started to rain. This dejected surfer girl sat on a fence in front of me, and I was able to photograph her a few times through the windshield of my car. Like most wanna be painters, I played with the water color using Topaz Adjust and Topaz Detail, two fun filters that provide colorful effects.
At the gallery, I met the nicest gentleman who gifted me an exquisite print of B&W trees that he photographed in England. It's all about reflections, which are near and dear to my heart. A big thank you to my new friend Michael Winter. :o) I'll treasure the print!