Sunset at Rocky Mountain National Park... This was photographed just after Christmas in the Endovalley area, one of my favorite locations to photograph in the park. Days are short, sunset comes quickly and it's very cold, but beautiful to experience.
This is an HDR image generated from three exposures, -2, 0, +2. Merging the images to HDR allows for detail in the shadow and highlight areas which would otherwise have been lost. The image was processed with Photomatix, the Tone Mapping filter and optimized with Lucis Pro. HDR is great way to create images that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to expose for in a single shot.
What do you need to make images in HDR? A great subject, a tripod, and Photomatix or Photoshop to process the images. It's exciting to see the dramatic change compared to what you can capture in a single image. Try it and see! Make great pictures...