Historical museums are full of interesting collections from years past, such as this aviation memorabilia. These aviation related items were photographed in a display at the Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum in Titusville, Florida. Photographing the objects from above the display, creates a "collage" looking image, perfect for the next step of adding layers and texture.
The first image below is a composite of two separate photographs from the same museum and tinted with "Colorize" in Nik Color Efex Pro. This image was layered with the second photo with a blend mode of Overlay. You can also use a Hue Saturation adjustment layer and check Colorize for a toned look. Adjust the Hue and Saturation to create a color that will suit your image. Blending the two images below creates the warm sepia tones found in the first image.
To add a little more depth and interest, try using Topaz Vivacity Clean to create the unique texture found in the screenshot below. Topaz Sharpen can accentuate the effect. We work with images and creative effects in my 4 week online course at BetterPhoto, Photoshop - Enhancing Images and Creating Works of Art. We have a wonderful time, and there's a great exchange of inspiration and creativity among everyone. I hope you'll join us in January!