Friday, May 27, 2011

Get creative with HDR imagery, find a new perspective...

I have some issues with drawing. Years ago, my art professor suggested I draw starting upside down, and I did much better that way! He recommended a book called  Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain which I found very helpful at the time. My drawing greatly improved! For me, it was a new way of looking at things that helped so much.

It's exciting to find new ways of seeing things, especially with photography. With the photo above, I used a different lens, a Sigma 8mm circular fisheye  to create an interesting and fun perspective. The lens is pointed directly at the sky encompassing a 180° view, which captured the beautiful architecture that surrounded me. It's just very cool, I can't explain it, it's kind of like drawing upside down. I credit Joe Farace for the inspiration, he wrote a fantastic article on fisheye lenses a few years ago that got me hooked!

This image is part HDR, not every HDR image has to be represented at 100%. I like the idea of working with HDR and blending it with one of the source images, as I did with the image above. HDR is a wonderful way to bring out all the best features in an image, however the sky I liked just the way it was.  This way you get the best of both worlds! Make great pictures! ~ Deb