One of my favorite plug-ins is Lucis Pro. It's one of the most versatile tools to work with in Photoshop. It's simple, yet very sophisticated. You can optimize an image in a realistic way, or enhance an image creatively depending on the end result you desire for your image.
One of my favorite ways to work with Lucis Pro is to create colorful interpretations with infrared photography. The image above was photographed with an infrared converted camera, R72 type filter and combined with a texture layer. The sliders can be used to sharpen or soften details, or both - with very artistic results. With the infrared photo below, I went for a surreal painterly look working with the color that was introduced in Lucis Pro.

The image below was optimized and enhanced using Lucis Pro. You can create an HDR type look by enhancing the the detail and color in the image. Working with the individual RGB channels gives you control over how the enhancements affect the image. I brought out color and detail in the architecture, and softened the sky at the same time, creating a vibrant composition.
Lucis Pro is a powerful tool, and a pleasure to work with. If you wish to purchase Lucis Pro, use this code for a $70 discount... DEBSANDIDGE. I'm sure it will be high on your list of favorite things too! I cover more about Lucis Pro in my online courses at BetterPhoto, Photoshop - Enhancing Images and Creating Works of Art and Digital Infrared Photography. Classes start today, and I hope to see you there!