Wishing you the best for 2010...
Try something new and different this year! This image was photographed using a circular fisheye lens. It's a fun and fascinating lens to use to literally "round out" your photography. I photographed Denver from Lookout Mountain, in Golden, Colorado getting as close as possible to the binocular viewer. The star is actually the moon at twilight, created by using a long exposure and small aperture.
What are your options? You can use an 8mm circular fisheye as I did here. Or, Lensbaby has a new circular fisheye out that you might want to try. If you still aren't sure, try making your own fisheye-look image in Photoshop using the Elliptical marquee tool. Hold down the shift key to make a perfect circle selection. Use Filter>Distort>Spherize at 100% to create a fisheye look. Invert your selection and fill with black, white, or the background of your choice. If you want more options, try Flaming Pear's Flexify 2.
Looking for more ways to expand your photographic horizons? Join me for Photoshop - Enhancing Images and Creating Works of Art at BetterPhoto.com. Four weeks of fun and learning starting January 6th. I hope to see you there!