One of the things I like about my infrared converted camera is the versatility in capturing images. This camera was converted using an enhanced color infrared filter (665nm) which allows a little more visible light to reach the camera sensor.
I can convert the image to black and white for a traditional film look. Or, I can work creatively in Photoshop using infrared and the different look with color that this filter provides. This particular day was very overcast and windy, not a day one would consider typically good for infrared shooting, but I liked the results.
In Photoshop, I used the Channel Mixer to swap colors, creating a "blue sky" look, next I decided to tone the overall image with a copper shade. There are a lot creative options in Photoshop with infrared images and many destinations to explore!
If you have upgraded to a new camera, and have an old one you're not using, give it new life with infrared conversion! You'll expand your photographic horizons and have fun in the process. Life Pixel will convert your camera using one of three different infrared filters, your choice, and you can use this code, DEB for a discount.
Interesting in taking a course? I teach digital infrared photography online at BetterPhoto. Class starts October 7 and I hope to see you there!